Gainax’s most recent production seems to have been greeted with either one of three responses. Could have had a better ending, but it was worth watching. Overall, insanely cute show, got a lot of good laughs in there. I was laughing so hard, due to the sheer hilariousness of it, and the absolute adorableness of it. I think the part I most enjoyed about this show was the Panda Neko dance. Frankly I'm wondering who goes to look at "adult magazines" and drinks until he passes out, yet is still able to become a Kindergarten Teacher. She's the kid that every parent wishes to have. And the last one is the shy and insanely adorable Koume. At the same time, she also has a cute side to her with all of her costumes, mostly Panda Cat.

She's the reason I now know what a Lunula is. She's smarter then most seniors in high school, maybe even college. Then there's Hiiragi, the genius in the group, and I mean genius. Anzu, the energetic romantic in the group manages to bring most of the comedy into the show due to all the fantasizing she does about the day she marries her teacher, while at the same time comes up with problems in her head that have absolutely no need to worry about. I'll probably be regretting it when the time comes around in certain moments of my life, but the characters in the show are portrayed in such a way that you wish all kids were like this. Watching this made me excited to have kids. I liked most of the voice actors and actresses, they played their parts well, overall a good job. But thankfully the Japanese Dub tones the realism down a little bit, making them all sound cute and unobnoxious most of the time. It's hard to imagine what all 40 of the 5 year olds in this show would sound like if they were dubbed over, and I really wish not to, as they are loud and have high pitched voices. There is no English Dub for this show, and frankly, I thank God for that. Equipped with a slide going down from the second floor, an amazing playground, and classrooms with fun everywhere, I'm kind of wishing that the school I attend now was like that. Other then the characters, they made the actual Kindergarten look like a place that you would have been dying to attend back when you were 5 years old, it is truly a kid's paradise. The cuteness is bombarded with comments that may make you spit out your drink in either laughter or sheer disbelief, but either way, they managed to make you wish for a daughter or a son that looks as cute as kindergarteners appear to be in Hanamaru Kindergarten. It's one of those animes where you AOL (Aww Out Loud, not that crappy internet service). When I told you I was taken back by the cuteness, I really was.

#Hanamaru kindergarten hiiragi hentai series
They failed to end the series with a good finale, it seemed like a completely normal episode to me, but overall I enjoyed it. Every episode is filled with random comedy, moments of pure denseness, and just plain old fun. A kindergarten girl falls in love with her new teacher, you know, the usual.

If you think of Azumanga Daioh, Lucky Star and Acchi Kocchi, this show runs along the same lines. I was correct of course, it was well worth my time I put into watching it.Īs for a story, Hanamaru Kindergarten is one of those shows without a main plot. My initial thoughts were that I had found a cute and slightly rom-com anime. So I continued on, got some good laughs, and ended up finishing the show a few weeks later in my spare time. the beginning, I was taken back by the cuteness of the show, which was at a very high level. At least, that's what I was thinking the entire time.Īnyways, Hanamaru Kindergarten is a sickeningly sweet anime that I just happened to find on Crunchyroll one day, and decided to watch it, thinking that it was about time I stopped watching action related shows for a while.
#Hanamaru kindergarten hiiragi hentai full
But Hanamaru Kindergarten is full of comments and moments where you stop and think to yourself, "What are the children of humanity learning these days.?". That is the last thing you'd expect to hear in a show about kindergarteners.